Scania Highline Project
Page 2: Upgrades!
I kept the modifications on this truck to a relative minimum. Of
course I added the MFC-03 which I hardly consider to be a modification
because it makes a tractor truck what it is. I also added a
handful of smallish parts from CChand shown above.
The main change was a new back bumper. The stock kit doesn't
really have a bumper, just a plastic cross member and a metal rod.
The molded part I installed as a replacement includes an air tank, a
pair of wheel chocks, and a decorated emblem which I painted
silver. The above images show the rear of the truck before and
after the modification.
The other change is a bit harder to spot. There is gap between the
fairing on the back of the cab and the chassis panels. I
installed a little spoiler piece to partially close this gap and to make
room for some etched emblems which say "R620" and "V8". Subtle
but nice.
©2019 Eric Albrecht