series of SCX10 trail trucks is legendary, and I have a couple of
them. Almost all of my trail trucks and crawlers are 1/10 scale,
but more recently a series of 1/24 scale vehicles based on the SCX24
chassis has become popular. These share much in common with their
larger brothers such as a ladder frame chassis, solid axles, and 4-link
suspension. The electronics are, of course, tiny and much less
customizable than the larger models, but piles and piles of upgraded
parts have become available for these. Nevertheless, I did not
find them particularly appealing since their scale makes them of limited
outdoor use. Some people have built excellent indoor crawling
courses, but I don't have access to one.
Then they went and made a limited edition. The very first Axial
truck was an AX10 Scorpion with an old pickup truck body. To
celebrate Axial's 15th anniversary they released the same B-17 body on
the SCX24 chassis and included a 15th anniversary commemorative coin
(shown below). This particular release was limited to 10,000
numbered copies. I have #4882. From what I saw, the entire
run sold out pretty quickly. I don't think this will necessarily
ever be worth much of anything, but I am glad to have it.
Even though all my RC's are runners, this one has not seen much
use. I mostly got it for the historical significance. Still,
it is remarkably capable for its size. Now I just need to wait
for someone else I know to get one so we can have some sort of