Kyosho Turbo Optima Project

Page 2:  Painting the Body


Kyosho really went all out to make finishing the model easy.  In addition to window masks, the kit also comes with masks to allow easy painting in the box art style.  After applying the approximately 15 masks to the inside of the body it looks like this.  Some of the little masks down in the crevices are quite difficult to apply, especially considering that the edges of them need to remain flush with the adjacent masks.


The first layer of paint is red.  After a couple of coats of red, you remove the first group of masks but leave the window masks as shown.  After that you spray the white and end up with the result on the right.  The complex geometry between the color especially around the rear end came out really nicely.


After the white is painted the window masks can be removed, the overspray film removed, and the stickers applied.  The result is on the left.  At this point I still haven't trimmed the body.  On the right is the polycarbonate driver figure.  Most of the detail is stickers so you really only need to paint his suit white.


Now the body has been trimmed and installed.  When I first bought this car I was mostly excited about the gold chassis and I didn't think much of the body based on the box art.  Now, having built and finished it, I think the body looks incredible.  This is a beautiful car with or without covering.  Even the wheels look great.  Don't neglect to note the netting visible through the side windows.

The Le Mans motor came with this lovely metallic sticker which I wanted to put somewhere visible.  Take a good look, because it disappeared after its first contact with terrain.



Here is my replacement Turbo Optima after the fire.  I was a bit more careful with the paint and I think it looks great.  I'm going to be a bit more careful driving it as well because I flipped the original on the pavement so it was covered in road rash.

This time there was a special gold version of the Le Mans motor available and it seemed like a perfect match for this chassis.  However, compared to the 15.5T Le Mans motor I used the first time, this one is only 21.5T so the rpm is much lower.  To compensate, I bumper up the stock 25T pinion to 30T.  It is now plenty fast on 3s.

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