This huge (52mm) hollow plastic ball appears only in this set in turquoise, and rarely in other colors elsewhere. When
combined with the competition models, it can used to play a number of
games. While there are no rules for any such games included in the
instructions, there are photos suggesting some possibilities including using the cones as goal markers.
The alternate purple model is some sort of mechanical creature with a
low "nose" target. The turquoise model can strike the ball toward the target and incapacitate the purple model.
The primary offensive weapon is a stinger tail. A pair of rubber
bands keep the stinger behind the model by default, but when the upper
trigger is pressed it moves far forward and can strike the target of the opposing model.
The computer image shows the mechanism which actuates the stinger.
The orange axles are fixed to structure and serve as pivot axes.
The yellow liftarms are the trigger which is pushed vertically.
Since the trigger attaches to the stinger arm with an offset of only one
stud from the pivot, a very small trigger movement produces a large
rotation: almost 180ยบ. Rubber bands connect to the bushings shown
in orange to return the stinger.

Ejection Seat
So what happens when you achieve a successful strike on target?
The pilot's seat is spring loaded with a shock absorber and some rubber
bands. The yellow connector seen in the computer image is the
lock. When the target is struck, the shock absorber compresses
which releases the lock. The rubber bands then open the mechanism
which is pivoted on the orange axle. In the turquoise model this
results in the ejection of the pilot. In the purple model this
mechanism is more like a mouth which is locked open when struck.

This figure is among the most common competition figures, appearing in 6 sets, but the printed helmet appears only here.