Purple and Turquoise
Unlike many of the other competition sets, it this case both the purple
and turquoise models are nearly the same. The most obvious
difference is in the base. The purple model uses triangular rubber
treads while the turquoise model uses tricycle balloon tires.
Attack Cannon
The primary weapon is an extensible scissors mechanism. This type
of mechanism allows
a change in length of many times to occur very rapidly, and therefore
simulates a projectile attack without actually launching anything.
The motion is driven by a yellow trigger hanging below the pilot and is
returned by stiff rubber bands.
The 3/4 pins which serve as pivots for the mechanism have very little
friction which serves as a benefit and a detriment. The advantage
of low friction is an easy deployment, but the penalty is a lot of
looseness. Because of this looseness the cannon sags a lot when at
full extension and is also very soft laterally.

Seat Target
So what happens when you achieve a successful strike on target?
The pilot's seat is spring loaded with a large shock absorber. As
can be seen in the computer image, the seat itself sits inline with the
shock and holds it in a compressed position. A target strike
rotates the seat over center which releases the shock. The spring
then extends rapidly and violently ejects the pilot from the vehicle.

This model comes with a pair of Technic figure combatants. In this
case, the turquoise figure seems entirely human while the purple figure
has been highly altered with cybernetic parts. Most notable are
his head reticule and robotic arms.
This is the only type of purple competition figure and he comes in 3
sets. The fully human turquoise figure comes in 2 sets.