Tamiya Lancia Delta Project

Page 1:  Assembly

Because I have already built another XV-01, I did not record most of the build process here.  For those interested in more information about the build of this chassis, a detailed build record can be found on my Asterion page.


The Delta comes in a deceptively small box.  It appears that the box is generically intended for any XV-01 based car, and then a sticker is put on top to identify the specific body within.  The inside of the box is as tumbled a pile of parts as I've ever seen from Tamiya.  While things are normally subdivided and sorted, this box is crammed pretty full.


I've already documented the XV-01 build elsewhere, and this one is no different.  The front gearbox contains the motor, both ends have an open differential, and there is a belt between them.  The main chassis tub is sealed with all electronics and belts hidden from view.  The battery inserts in a compartment from below.  CVA oil shocks are stock.

This may very well be the biggest pile of stickers I've ever seen for a single model.  There are 2 full sheets of both large and tiny decorations to cut out and apply.


These photos show the body before and after the stickers have been applied.  In the left hand photo I've applied the plain white paint and some tinting for the windows.  The overspray film is still attached.  In the second photo the grille, mirrors, and spoiler have been attached and painted and all the stickers applied.  Some of the large stickers which must span complex curves are extremely difficult to apply without bubbles or wrinkles.  I didn't do a perfect job but it looks pretty good.

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