Tamiya Porsche 911 GT1 Project

Page 2:  Paint


The first step is always to cut out the body and drill the holes which has been completed in the picture on the left.  The body is intended to make the front splitter black using stickers, but I have always found that these are the first to start peeling so I decided to mask that area and paint it black instead. The windows have also been masked.

The paint job is pretty easy to start since it is nearly all white.  I backed the whole thing in silver and then black.  The black is to make the inside dark, and the silver is to keep the black from tinting the white toward gray since the white tends to be thin.  It appears to have worked well.  Finally, I smoked the windows.


While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I cut out the vast quantity of stickers.  These are not original stickers; they are from MCI Racing.  I also used a couple of the Tamiya stickers from the Street version of the sticker sheet to fill in black areas that were not quite covered or to improve the gradient in areas like the hood louvers.


The sticker application took a very long time, but I knew that was going to be the case when I chose this complex livery over the much simpler Street version.  The black areas around the edges of the tail lights were particularly difficult.  The wing in the photo on the right is not quite complete.  I was waiting for semi-gloss black paint to do the vertical supports.  There are also stickers on the tires which are always a challenge to adhere properly.  The wheels were molded in gold, but I painted them gold anyway and then used a chrome pen to do the outer rim like the real car.

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