Tamiya Ford Bronco Project

Page 1:  Assembly

Because I have already built another CC-02, I did not record most of the build process here.  For those interested in more information about the build of this chassis, a detailed build record of another CC-02 can be found on my Mercedes Benz G500 page.


The first step is always to cut out the polycarbonate body.  The untouched body is shown on the left, and on the right it has been trimmed.  That's not all the preparation though, I also need to ream 31 holes in the body to support attachment of all the accessories.


Here I've attached all the hard molded accessories just to see what they look like.  There is a bull bar, front D-rings, grille, trail sights, door handles, side mirrors, rear handle, spare tire, and a copious roof rack.  The final 4 holes are to mount the body to the chassis.  There are also light buckets installed inside the body front and rear.  On the right I've done the masking which is very extensive.  The kit comes with masks for the 6 windows, the headlights, and the tail lights.  The roof and bumpers nee to be masked manually.  The manual has the fenders and side skirts made black with stickers, but I much prefer to mask and paint these areas which will make the black more durable.  Getting it all right took a couple of hours of work.


I started with a couple of coats of Camel Yellow on the left.  After that I removed the masking for the areas to be black.  After the black was applied as shown on the right, the paint still wasn't done.  The removable top of the real Bronco does not have shiny clear coat, so the usual gleaming transparent polycarbonate wouldn't be right.  I trimmed away the overspray film from the outside of the body over the top and then covered it in flat clear.  Normally I would also smoke the windows, but in this case there are stickers to tint them all so it is not necessary.


After another couple of hours of work I had all the stickers applied.  I was able to save a bit of time because I didn't need the stickers for the fenders and running boards, but that still left me with dozens to cut and apply.  The tail lights were especially complex.

Here is the final result attached to the body.  All that is left at this point is to trim the body posts.  One little oddity here is that the rear body posts actually protrude through the roof rack.


The kit came with a TLU-01 light kit, but that fancy light kit is too much for this model so I'll save it to use on the Bruiser.  I got and installed a cheap set of LEDs which look just as good and simply plug into the receiver.

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