Bungee Cord
A bungee cord connects from an anchor point on the chassis to a drum
mounted on the rear of the vehicle. This very long cord travels the
whole length of the vehicle twice, wrapping around a pulley at the
front. When the vehicle is pulled back, a series of three 16 tooth
gears connecting the drum to the rear axle stretches the elastic
band. The middle idler of these gears is attached to a floating
When pulling back, the forces on the gear cause it to engage the wheel
axle, connecting the drum to wheels. However, when the vehicle is
released the forces on the gear from the bungee cord cause the link to
float up and disengage from the rear wheels allowing the vehicle to move
forward. The cord can be stretched very considerably, allowing
rapid forward motion. In fact, there is so much torque at the
wheels that they are likely to spin rather than propel the vehicle
unless the traction is excellent.
